Bishop Hamilton Graduate Celebration 2022

Congratulations to Our Graduates 2022!

Hats off to all our 2022 graduates, with all their hard work and dedication they are now graduates of Bishop Hamilton Montessori School. We are proud of our graduates and want to congratulate each student as they embark on their new adventures. 

Meet the Bishop Hamilton Graduates

Parisa Afkham-Ebrahimi, Bishop Hamilton Graduate (2022)Parisa AE., Bishop Hamilton Graduate (2022)


“I’ve been at BHMS for a total of four years—I came here in CASA and left until I came back for Junior High.  Over the past two years, a lot has changed–in the world, in my life, and in the lives of people around me. Despite this, I had a great time at BHMS and I am grateful for the friends I’ve made and the experiences I’ve had.  School during the pandemic was definitely very different from what I was used to, and I’m very happy we only had to be online one time this school year, unlike last year! I am also super grateful for all the planning that went on to ensure we could go on trips like the Canoe Trip and Bike Trip which we couldn’t do last year. I really enjoyed those trips and spending time in nature. J’ai bein aimé le voyage à Montréal et merci à Madame Robard pour avoir organisé ce voyage. 

I want to thank the teachers because they’ve been working especially hard during the pandemic to make sure all of us in Junior High get to have the same experiences we would usually have before COVID. Finally, I want to thank my parents for supporting me for my whole life and giving me the opportunity to go to BHMS. To my classmates, I probably won’t see many of you again, or at least for a while, so in the words of musical icon Taylor Swift, This was the Very First Page, not where the storyline ends.  Merci et au revoir.”

Michael Barake, Bishop Hamilton Graduate 2022Michael B., Bishop Hamilton Graduate (2022)


“When I moved to Bishop Hamilton in grade 1, I didn’t know anyone in my grade. In my early years at Bishop Hamilton I visited Mrs. Sasouni in the office many times. Some of the things that I remember from Willow are all the projects we got to do and that we could choose anything that we wanted to do a project on. And when we were done, we got to present them to the class.

Red Oak and Junior High are some of my favorite classes because there were so many activities. In Red Oak, I learned a lot about organization by doing lots of cleaning and folding. I remember doing lots of art and cooking, and one of my favorite things was making gingerbread houses. Junior High was also a great class because of all the freedom we have, also all of the trips like the Montreal trip, Bike Trip, and Canoe Trip that we were able to go on this year. I enjoyed the splash wars on the Canoe Trip, and I learned that I was able to complete the entire 350km bike trip.

Merci à tous mes professeurs de français de m’avoir appris le français. Je parle français maintenant. I would like to thank all the teacher’s I’ve had for their patience with me and to all the students that have helped me.”

Avighna M., Bishop Hamilton Graduate (2022)

“When I came to BHMS I was unsure what to expect. It was my first time at a private school anywhere so I didn’t know anyone. I was a bit distant at first but I soon made some friends. I didn’t know this at first but these friends have and will stick with me for the rest of my life. My time at BHMS has shown me a lot that I didn’t see at first and has really shaped me into who I am. Although everything was not easy, I did my best and made it through the year. J’ai aussi beaucoup appris en français, que je ne connaissais pas auparavant. J’utiliserai ces connaissances à l’avenir a des choses coup sûr.

The trips and outings along with some unique subjects and topics had me interested through the school year and beyond. Although I am moving next year, I will not forget all that I have learned from BHMS. Thank You!”



Alyssa S., Bishop Hamilton Graduate (2022)

“I’ve been at this school since I was 16 months old! I’m almost 14 now, so I’ve been here for around 12 years. I’ve actually been here longer than Mrs. Sasouni, so I’m just saying 😉 Not as long as Ms. Flindall though! I know a lot of graduates say this, but Bishop Hamilton really is my second home. I’ve learned and grown so much here; I really couldn’t have asked for anything better.

I feel ready for high school, not only academically, but also emotionally and mentally. Sure, BHMS has taught me how to do Math, English, Science, whatever. But most importantly, this school has built up my character. You can send your kids to tutoring, or some elite school, but if they don’t help your child become a better person, there’s not really a point. I’m so glad that my parents sent me here and that I had the opportunity to grow and flourish here! 

The environment here is really amazing, the teachers are fantastic, the students are awesome, they make really good friends, and the community makes you feel safe. The past three years have been quite rough with COVID and all, but thanks to all the amazing teachers, we were able to do trips, like the Canoe Trip, Bike Trip, Montreal Trip, that I didn’t think would happen. I want to say thank you to all the teachers. 

Madame Robard, merci de nous avoir enseigner le français pendant plusieurs d’années. Vous êtes la meilleure professeure de français que je puisse demander. Ms. Brown, thank you for these past few years and for always making music class fun. You always put in so much effort into every concert, play, or musical we do and they’re always a ton of fun! Mr. D, I’m so glad I got to meet you this year! You always bring a positive energy to every class you teach, you’re super funny and always have a smile on your face, even if it’s under that mask! I love your hats too! Mr. MacKay, thank you for being an awesome teacher. You have amazing jokes, and make classes fun! Thank you for being there the past two years. Ms. Flindall thank you for being there for me these past two years. You’ve taught me so much, not only academically but about myself. 

Mrs. Sasouni, thank you for being an amazing Principal, and for teaching me how to eat a pita wrap properly. Also thank you for putting up with me when I end up in your office a few to many times. To my past teachers, thank you for helping me grow into the person I am today. And to my parents, thank you for paying for my tuition, even though all that money could have bought us a new car! I wish all my fellow classmates the best of luck! May all of you be successful in your futures and whatever paths you will go down.  Thank you again, to everyone who made it possible for me to get this far.”

Gabriel T., Bishop Hamilton Graduate (2022)


“My time at BHMS was a positive experience for the most part. I think that this school has influenced my outlook on school and education in general. If I had the opportunity, I would definitely go to this school again! I have made a lot of friends here and I will remember this school as one of my better memories.

Next year, I will be attending Lisgar Collegiate as my high school. I enjoyed my time at BHMS and I hope that future students here will too.”

Andrew W., Bishop Hamilton Graduate (2022)


“I just want to thank all the teachers who guided me through my education at this school. I learned unique things from each teacher I had which I know I will take with me throughout my entire life. Bishop Hamilton has changed me for the better. In all the years that I have been at this school, I have developed skills like leadership, time management and collaboration.

I also want to thank my friends for being there for me all these years and making school a lot more interesting. When I was feeling down, they could somehow find a way to bring me back up. I don’t know how I would survive school without them.”

A quote I will always live by is: “It always seems impossible until it is done.” ~Nelson Mandela

Zoey Z., Bishop Hamilton Graduate (2022)


“I have been attending this school since I was three and it’s been like a second home for me. I’ve created memories and friendships that I’ll treasure for many years to come and have learned many new things, not only academically, that will definitely assist me in the future.

As you may or may not know, there has been a pandemic that has disrupted everyone’s lives for the past three years which forced students to learn remotely from their homes for a while. Because of the many waves of the virus, we constantly switched between online and in-person school. I would like to thank our teachers and parents for helping us make these transitions smoother by supporting us. Without your aid, it would have been much, much, MUCH more difficult.

My main highlights for the year are definitely the “Big Three”, as in the Canoe Trip, Montreal Trip, and Bike Trip. I loved these overnight trips and even though I was bitten by many, many mosquitoes, especially on the Bike Trip, it was worth it for the overall experience. I have many memories of singing with my classmates while paddling on the Canoe Trip, doing a backflip on a trapeze during the Montreal Trip, and biking through the torrential rain on the Bike Trip. During these trips, we have more opportunities to bond and strengthen relationships with our classmates, discover new things about ourselves, and continuously build on life skills as well as our physical and mental strength.

Thank you, Ms. Flindall and Mr. Mackay. Merci Madame Robard. Thank you Ms. Brown and Mr. D. J’ai hȃte de commencer ce nouveau chapitre de ma vie mais il m’est difficile de laisser BHMS derrière moi. To infinity and beyond!”

Congratulations to each Bishop Hamilton graduate!

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