Happy Spring Break BHMS!
Let us embrace the beautiful weather and find fun outside again! Whether it may be finding the chalk in the garage to make hopscotch on the driveway, or getting your rain boots on to explore the closest pond, it is wonderful to give our toques a break! While messages are swirling about the new COVID-19 variants and the rollout of the COVID-19 vaccines, let us focus on the positive aspects of our lives.
One way to stay grounded is meditation, which can be done anywhere. Yoga provides an additional physical component to engage our bodies at the same time. Creative expression is a healthy way to cope with stress, even adult colouring can be fun, whether it becomes a family activity or a solo one. Music can also be powerful to bring us perspective and joy. Remember that it is very tempting to meet with friends or family outside of our household, but it is vital that we stay within our own households to reduce the risk of spreading COVID-19 to those we love and those in our communities.
10-Minute Morning Yoga Full Body Stretch
While sports and group physical activities are not available in-person, we can find other ways to keep our bodies moving. Yoga is healthy for our muscles and joints, while clearing our heads at the same time.

Adult Colouring
Colouring doesn’t just need to be reserved for children, creative expression of any kind can be therapeutic especially during times of high stress. It could even serve as a fun family activity.
Click the following link for Free Printable Adult Colouring Pages.
Music Boost
Click the link below to listen to a song from Mandisa: “Overcomer” We will make it through this pandemic, and we will come out stronger. Let us trust that we have what it takes to overcome these challenges and push forward in our lives.